Booking Travel to Hawaii is now a Life and Death Decision

Hotels, attractions, transportation, shops, restaurants had been fighting to reopen business in the State of Hawaii. Airlines had been adding new tourism source market destinations for the Aloha State. Business is good- but is this a suicide mission?
Elections are coming up. No one in the State is brave enough to suggest and enforce restrictions badly needed to facilitate safe travel to Hawaii again.
What part of Hawaii is not safe to visit right now travelers don’t understand?
– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News

Hotels, attractions, transportation, shops, restaurants had been fighting to reopen business in the State of Hawaii. Airlines had been adding new tourism source market destinations for the Aloha State. Business is good- but is this a suicide mission?

Elections are coming up. No one in the State is brave enough to suggest and enforce restrictions badly needed to facilitate safe travel to Hawaii again.

What part of Hawaii is not safe to visit right now travelers don’t understand?

eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News

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