Morocco tourist accommodations growing dramatically

The Morocco Ministry of Tourism has made considerable efforts to develop the number of tourist accommodations and bed capacity in the country. From 97,000 beds in 2001, capacity increased to more than 230,000 beds by the end of 2015.

The ministry understands that tourist accommodations are the main links in the tourism value chain, and have paid particular importance to this part of the sector. After all, when booking travel, most people start with where they plan to stay while on holiday.

To ensure quality tourist services to meet the expectations and aspirations of travelers and distinguish between different standings of tourist accommodations, a tourist establishment classification system was established in Morocco in 2002.

The ranking system of tourist establishments is compulsory for tourist accommodations and is national in scope.

The ranking system is based on three components:

– The scope of classification that defines the types of institutions involved in the grading system and the categories and the stars corresponding to each of these types.

– The classification device which sets general requirements, classification procedures, and the composition of the various committees, etc.

– Classification repository that defines the minimum standards to which each type of tourist establishment must comply according to its category.

With this ranking system employed, tourists can rest assured that their accommodations will meet their expectations when traveling to the intriguing, compelling, and beautiful country of Morocco.