Tourism Minister: If you want sex, don’t come to Gambia, go to Thailand!

Gambia’s Tourism Minister Hamat Bah has warned Western tourists, who are planning to travel to the impoverished West African nation during the winter season in search of sex tourism, to stay away from the country.

“We are not a sex destination. If you want a sex destination, you go to Thailand. The Gambia is not a sex destination. We are not, and please every Gambian must sing that song. We cannot afford to see this country to reall be brought to that level. We must protect and preserve this country,” Hamat Bah told Kerr Fatou, a show aired every Thursday on state media GRTS.

The Gambia is not a sex destination and it will never be, Mr.Bah maintained. Bah warned that any tourist, caught ‘messing’ with Gambian minors, will be prosecuted to the full extend of the law.