Ecotourism and diving in the spotlight at biodiversity conference

A coalition of dive industry stakeholders and conservation NGOs has joined forces to demand recognition and protection for Diving and Ecotourism at the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity´s (CBD) biennial meeting, amidst rampant loss of species and habitats to unsustainable uses which threaten the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on non-extractive uses of nature for generating quality jobs and income.

A side-event titled “Sharks, Parks and Whales: Non-Extractive Uses of Marine Biodiversity Need Protection!”, co-organized by dive industry the campaign Divers for Sharks and several Brazil-based conservation groups, is being held today at 6:15 PM Cancun time to discuss the issue and demand action by CBD and other treaties against unchecked threats such as overfishing, coral reef destruction, and lack of enough protected areas to allow for Ecotourism activities to thrive.

“CBD and other international treaties just listen, and too much, to extractive lobbies from the fisheries sector and others who do not care about their impact on Diving and Ecotourism. However, it´s our non-extractive sector which in many cases generates better and longer-term jobs than the extractive options, and therefore we deserve special recognition and protection from biodiversity degradation”, said José Truda Palazzo, Jr., co-founder of Divers for Sharks and Environment Ambassador for Manta Ray Bay Dive Resort in the island of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.

The side-event will be broadcasted live at Divers for Sharks Facebook page at

Divers for Sharks is a member of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP).